Tinnisense Dental Care Patent Featured in The New York State Dental Journal

Dr. Davis’ multi-patented Tinnisense Aligner Care [referred to by a previous name, Arch Reformulation Therapy] is a dental aligner system that was featured in an issue of The New York State Dental Journal. This article highlights the breakthrough advances in dental treatment that Dr. Davis has provided for more than a decade to Manhattan and Bronx patients. Dr. Davis’ milestone protocol is well suited to help those with periodontal disease, a sleep disorder, tinnitus or want to avoid a gum graft, orthognathic or implant surgery. See if Tinnisense Care is the right choice for you or someone you care about.

Read Text Version of Article as it appeared in the new york state dental journal

Patent for Dental Aligner System

ELLIOT R. DAVIS, D.D.S., general dentist from Manhattan, was awarded patent #9,861,451 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for his Arch Reformulation Therapy (ART), a periodontal aligner protocol that moves teeth in patients with gum and bone disease and other ailments. A non-invasive, long-lasting alternative to periodontal surgery, orthodontic aligner and traditional orthodontic therapy, ii is the first dental aligner system predicated upon improvements to the health of the gums, in lieu of teeth positions, to gauge success. It is expected to be available to patients later this year or 2019.

ART is described as benefitting patients with active periodontal disease, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, general dental sensitivity, or as an alternative to elective orthognathic surgery.

In addition to his Manhattan practice, Dr. Davis has an arch reformulation practice in the Bronx. He is a past president of New York County Dental Society.

Bone Acceleration Surgical Therapy (BAST) improves the performance of periodontal aligners and is the least invasive corticotomy

Is Patented Bone Acceleration Surgical Therapy right for you?

Patients like this novel treatment because it’s fast and less time is spent in the dental chair. Recovery time is short, there’s less discomfort, and is a powerful motivator.
Teeth move more quickly so progress is evident every month.

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It’s hard to say that fifty years of suffering with a bad bite was worth the wait for this magnificent all-natural dental transformation, but it’s the truth! Tinnisense Dental Care was the winning formula.


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